The Long Island Junior Ducks were established in 2003 with the owners, Tom Caputo and Tony Amin both laying the groundwork & foundation for the LI Jr Ducks over the years to come. That foundation is based on our intent of the growth of each player, taking a passionate approach to the game of baseball while promoting both core values, as well as advanced training methods, at an affordable investment to our parents. The LI Jr Ducks sets forth the highest standards for all of our coaches, players, and families, which allows the organization to base our success not only on winning, but the overall development of each player. Our program takes great pride in the relationships we build with both our players and parents, while pushing each athlete to their own potential and goals. As an organization, we believe that determination, commitment and hard work can bridge the gap between potential and true performance.
In our years of operation, our coaching staff is assembled of committed and highly sophisticated coaches that have competed both at the collegiate and professional levels in which they provide instruction to players at all ages in a positive, stimulating manner. At the younger level, we have both baseball fathers who commit their time, energy and knowledge not only for their son but an entire team as well as paid coaches. These parents are carefully selected making sure that their core values are equal to ours. On the baseball field, we teach confidence, a winning attitude, professionalism, managing failure, energy, and being a team player. Off the field, we stress the importance of academics, charity giving, character, honesty, and a strong work ethic. Our coaching philosophy helps to create an energetic and disciplined atmosphere, while encouraging respect, integrity, and personal growth. We believe in pushing your teammates to be better, picking them up when they are down, and always believing in yourself. Character is revealed in times of adversity and baseball provides that adversity. It is our hope that our core values and principles will be internalized and will remain with each of our players throughout their life both on and off the field.
As an organization, The LI Jr Ducks seeks to compete against the better competition and work to achieve this by playing in many competitive leagues, tournaments, and showcases. At our older level, we have resources that are strictly focused on assisting our older players get connected with the right colleges around the country. With the combination of committed players, a professional coaching staff, and an exceptional player to coach ratio, allows the organization to concentrate primarily on the developmental process of each individual player. We create an environment that focuses on a family atmosphere that provides an opportunity for players at all skill levels/age groups and believes that with the proper preparation, discipline, and self-confidence, will provide the best opportunity for our players to succeed not just in baseball but in life. The players will learn to play the game the right way with a confident mental approach and sound fundamentals both offensively and defensively. Everyone will learn how to win and lose the right way…that’s because.....
“Baseball isn’t just a game, it’s a way of life.”